There is no Law (God’s Including) for the Kyiv Patriarchate?

The other day court hearings were held on the disputed church in the village of Ptycha, Dubno district, Rivne region. The conflict in Ptycha is a case in point. It is surprisingly accurately shows the attitude of the so-called "patriots" to the Ukrainian legislation and the rights of ordinary Ukrainians, who avoid crying out about their patriotism on every corner, preferring to prove it in practice. 

"Patriots", as you might guess, are the parishioners and clergy of "the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate." On the Internet you can find a collection of sayings belonging to the higher clergy of the so-called confession. For example, a statement of "Patriarch" Filaret that the murder of the inhabitants of Donbass is not a sin. Or a promise of Michael Zinkevich, "Metropolitan of Volyn and Lutsk" of the UOC – KP, to bury all those who do not practise a "patriotic" version of Orthodoxy. 

In the minds of the "patriots" of the UOC-KP law and human rights apply only to them. This is illustrated by the words of Metropolitan Michael that God hears prayers only in Ukrainian. And everyone who does not wish to profess Orthodox patriotism, according to the Kiev Patriarchate, should be ready for their property to be taken with impunity, and themselves to be beaten or even killed. The best proof is the mass bashing done by the UOC-KP representatives in Katerynivka village, Ternopil region. 

In the village of Ptycha, the church is beneficially owned by a legal entity - the religious community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Their right of ownership is registered in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. Repeatedly the courts have considered the issue of the legality of registration of property rights and came to the conclusion that everything is legitimate. However, time after time, representatives of the UOC-KP are trying to take over another’s place of worship. Having used all legal and semi-legal ways, they resorted to outright banditry. 

On November 15, about 20 representatives of the UOC-KP broke into a closed church in Ptycha village and locked themselves from the inside. The raiders announced a hunger strike. However, witnesses saw their fellows carrying packets of food and buckets for natural needs to the church building. For several days it was used as a bedroom, a dining room and a toilet. Meanwhile, Ptycha village council adopted a regulation on alternating worship. In fact, it did the raiders’ bidding. 

The head of the NGO "Public Advocacy", human rights activist Oleg Denisov, commented on the regulation in the following way: "Obvious is legal illiteracy of the document, adopted under pressure on behalf of some members of the public authorities, who just mislead the deputies of the village council and took advantage of their law ignorance. For any more or less legally educated person it is clear that no one can force the owner to give away property against their will. " 

Denisov said that the so-called "referendums", on the basis of which the UOC is deprived of its churches, are illegal. Today in Ukraine a local referendum cannot be held, because there is no legislative for this. Therefore, the procedure used in the village of Ptycha and in other villages, where religious buildings of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church are under the threat of seizure, is nothing more than a simple survey of people about whether they are supporters of the Kiev Patriarchate or the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Church raiders find it enough for further going directly to the physical seizure. 

"They want to make us think that in Ukraine the rule of force prevails. We stand against it. We resist. We explain to our people and communities that legislation is in force in Ukraine", - said the lawyer. 

We can’t but agree with it. People who initiated seizures of religious buildings and structures misconceive democracy. They do not only take over churches and persecute their fellow citizens on the grounds of religious identity. These people are undermining the elements of the state system of Ukraine. They throw the country into chaos, destroy its international image. Their actions clearly tell the world community that Ukraine chooses the non-European way of development. 

The regulation of Ptycha village council can be compared with acts of "dispossession" organized by the Communist regime. In fact, in Ptycha a power seizure of another's property took place.

In all the years of its existence, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has not captured a single religious building. But the UOC-KP as a denomination appeared as a result of mass seizure of Orthodox churches by those who, from the point of view of canonical Orthodoxy, are schismatic. And they continue their vicious practice today, blaming others for their sins. 

It gives us much pain when we, canonical Orthodox Christians, patriots and citizens of Ukraine, are humiliated for our faith and called agents of Kremlin, when our Church is called separatist. Indeed, in contrast to those who are on every street corner cry out about their patriotism, we respect the laws of our homeland, do not divide Ukrainians into the "right" and "wrong" ones, and honor the Gospel and the commandments of Christ. 

A big number of our members have given their duty to the Motherland. Many people with debt have given their lives. And they did so, fighting against their fellow countrymen. This fratricidal war is an overwhelming grief for the Church and for the whole Ukrainian people. And on this war, its consequences, those who call themselves patriots, are trying to build their own prosperity. It is believed that taking over a temple they also possess live blessed spirit of Orthodoxy. But it is not true. 

Last Sunday at the service of the UOC-KP in the seized church of Ptycha village, there were three times fewer people than in the garage, where the UOC community currently has to celebrate a liturgical service. Lord millstones grind slowly, but surely.

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