Radicals from the "Right Sector" admitted seizures of UOC churches in Ternopil region
Due to the struggle of nationalists with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church "more than one parish in the Ternopil region was returned." This was said by Sapsan Sviatoslav, a member of the Stepan Bandera All-Ukrainian radical organization "Trizub (Trident)", on his Facebook page.
"In connection with the danger that comes from the UOC-MP, we, Ukrainian nationalists, cannot stand aside. That is why why we are fighting against the Kremlin agents in cassocks. Due to our actions more than one parish in the Ternopil region was returned to the Ukrainian church," he said.
"We have taken on the challenge of expelling religious occupants from our land," stressed the radical.
Recall, the organization "Trizub (Trident)" named after Stepan Bandera, which was created by Dmitry Yarosh, aims to promote the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism in the interpretation of Stepan Bandera, in any conditions by all available means and resources. The "Trident" initiated the creation of the "Right Sector".
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