PACE calls on the Ukrainian government to establish interfaith dialogue

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe supported the report by Christina Zelenkova from the delegation of the Czech Republic. It, in particular, contains a number of observations concerning the humanitarian policy of the Ukrainian authorities, reports the site of the Parliamentary Assembly.

12 October, the PACE adopted a resolution on the two reports concerning the situation in Ukraine. Christina Zelenkova presented the report "The political consequences of the conflict in Ukraine", which was renamed in the debate.

In paragraph 11.2 of the document the PACE "urges the Ukrainian authorities to establish a national dialogue and to harmonize relations between different ethnic, linguistic and religious groups in the Ukrainian society."

According to the political expert Mikhail Pavliv, most Ukrainian media are not circulating the PACE resolution because of unpleasant for Ukrainian authorities remarks on the "pressure on the political opposition and independent media."

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