Bill № 4511 will lead to the collapse of the Ministry of Сulture, – expert (VIDEO)

Archpriest Alexander Bakhov, the head of the Legal Department of the UOC, believes that bill № 4511, if entered into force, will block the work of the Ministry of Culture. The head of the Legal Department said about this in the program "The Right to Vote" on the topic: "Dangers of the Verkhovna Rada’s interference into the Church affairs."

"According to this bill, all religious organizations are required to submit their statutes for re-registration in the Ministry of Culture in the three-month period. But how will this be realized? – raised the question Archpriest Alexander Bakhov. – It will just lead to a collapse, because today in the Ministry of Culture there are two persons that register changes in the statutes or register new statutes of religious organizations. I have a question: in what way and in what period of time will thousands of religious organizations be re-registered?"

In addition, the head of the Legal Department of the UOC noted that to date, according to the law, changes in the statutes of religious communities are made by local authorities, in each region separately.

"The Ministry of Culture registers only dioceses, monasteries, missions and spiritual educational institutions, – said Archpriest Alexander Bakhov. – It turns out that the scheme, which operates today, will contradict the scheme, provided by the bill in focus."

Bill № 4511 proposes to introduce a "special status" for religious organizations whose management centers are located in the country recognized by the VR as an aggressor State.

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