Kiev forum holds Liturgy in sign language

From 19 to 22 October, Kiev hosted a scientific-practical seminar for priests, volunteers and interpreters "Sign language Translation of the Liturgy: the content and methods of presentation", reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

The seminar was attended by 22 participants from 10 cities of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. By long tradition, the event was dedicated to the 12th anniversary of the Kiev Orthodox deaf community.

The organizer of the forum, the interpreter of the Kiev community Catherine Diatlova said that its aim is the exchange of experience among interpreters and translators, a joint study of the service in order to improve translation techniques.

The climax of the event was a common festive Liturgy, which was celebrated at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity St Jonah Monastery by priests from various communities, interpreting liturgical exclamations in the sign language. Besides, a two-day tour to the holy places of Kiev and the region was organized for all deaf guests of the capital.
The participants of the forum note the importance of the event, which contribute to developing the technique of sign language church services for a wide range of experienced interpreters and translators. The organizers hope to continue holding the event and help people with hearing impairments to participate in the life of the Church and its Sacraments.

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