10-storeyed business-centre with parking to be built opposite St.Sophia of Kiev, – What shall we do?

A new mega-construction can become the highest buiding on the square only to compete with St. Sophia Cathedral, while the underground parking can cause sagging of soils under the sanctity, according to Vesti

A new 6-10-storeyed business-shoping or business-hotel centre with a three-level underground parking is supposed to be built instead of the two-storeyed housein 20/21 Sofiyskaya Street.

It was became clear from the documents published by civil activist Anatoliy Frolov on his Facebook page, writes the outlet.

"It is going to be the highest object on St. Sophia Square, besides the Cathedral. What shall we do?", writes the activist.

"This is just trash, can’t wrap my head around it,” commented the project activist Zorian Kis on his Facebook page.

As the UOJ repored earlier, on 3 February the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine held a briefing on the “Preservation state of the object of universal importance “Kiev: St. Sophia Cathedral and adjacent monastery’s constructions, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (Ukraine)”.

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