Primate of UOC: proper understanding of God’s teaching is a chance to properly build one's life (VIDEO)
"The Holy Church teaches that Light is a property of the Divine. God is Light, God is Love, God is Spirit, God is Life – these properties are also eternal, as God Himself is eternal," stressed the Primate.
He noted that sometimes people do not want to go into the teaching of the Church, believing that it is not important: "But having a misunderstanding of God, people cannot build their life on Earth right."
His Beatitude said: "The man cannot build his life so that it brings him peace, joy and grant a feeling that only a person can experience – happiness."
According to Archpastor, in order to embrace the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which the Lord sends down to everyone, one must be able to receive them.
"The right teaching of God gives the man a chance – to properly build his life in relation to God and receive His gifts," concluded Metropolitan Onuphry. - St. Gregory Palamas, speaking against the heresies of his time, taught the Orthodox to properly believe in God, to properly understand His Divine nature."
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