Reznikov: Apart from UOC, TCG from ORDLO must include OCU and Jews

Vice Prime Minister – Minister for the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Aleksey Reznikov. Photo:

The Trilateral Contact Group for the Settlement of the Situation in the Donbass from unrecognized republics of Donbass should include various faiths – not only the UOC, but also the OCU, Catholics, Muslims and Jews – "so as not to offend anyone", Aleksey Reznikov, Vice Prime Minister for the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, First Deputy Head of the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG shared in an interview with the Liga. Novosti Internet publication.

According to him, there was a certain difficulty "with a confessional issue" when setting up such a group.

“I would like to have at least five basic faiths. There is a Muslim community, there is a Catholic community, there are OCU and UOC, and also Jews. In addition, 60,000 Armenians live in the Donetsk Region today, and Christians have their own Armenian Catholicos (head of the Apostolic Church of Armenia – Ed.) <...>”, said Reznikov. “My task is not to offend anyone. If we agree on having two, three will be offended. Hence, there is such an option, but so far the stage of negotiations does not allow for the involvement of clerics.

On June 9, it became known that the journalist Sergey Garmash and the blogger Denis Kazansky, who are known for supporting Maidan in 2013-2014, also entered the TCG from ORDLO.

Kazansky said on his Facebook page that he had joined the TCG from ORDLO and added that in the Minsk Agreements signed by Ukraine “there is not a single mention of what exactly representatives of separate regions should be”.

Earlier it became known that the UGCC together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would inform the world about the war in the Donbass.

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