Andriy Ovcharenko, Technical Editor of the UOJ

Arrested, in the pre-trial detention centre since 12 March 2024.
“Andriy Ovcharenko is a seasoned professional in the field of media. Throughout his career, he has led several prominent news publications, earning respect from both management and subordinates alike.
He knows how to make a publication of high quality – one that is interesting, relevant, and adheres to the ethics and principles of true journalism. Moreover, he can do it. More accurately, he cannot do otherwise due to his professional integrity and character.
Thorough, meticulous, responsible, and just. Logically thinking, honest, and straightforward. He abhors hypocrisy, lies, and double standards—all of which have been unleashed on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in recent years.
That is why the accusations leveled against Andriy Ovcharenko – "incitement to hatred by conspiracy and covert work for foreign intelligence services" – truly shock and repel everyone who knows him well. He is always on the side of truth and righteousness, and he can always consistently prove the wrongfulness of the unjust. This trait defines him and explains why he works with the UOJ.
Additionally, Andriy is a loving husband and father, a caring son, and a devoted friend. He is an unquestioned authority to his 15-year-old teenage son.
In his youth, he dreamed of becoming a military officer, but due to health issues, he was not able to enroll in the Kharkiv Military Institute. In the end, he chose philology and even worked as a schoolteacher for a while. Interestingly, he was repeatedly offered jobs involving work with children because he knew how to captivate them with his subject.
Friends and acquaintances know him as a great lover of world music, cinema, and literature, as well as computer and board games. He has a knack for thoroughly understanding everything he immerses himself in, from traffic rules to the Constitution of Ukraine.
Andriy loves traveling very much; he has visited many countries but always happily returned home to his beloved Kyiv. He believes it is the best place to live.
Most importantly, he loves the truth and fair play. Therefore, those who wrote these false accusations about Andriy, those who ordered his arrest, certainly do not walk the path of honour and truth”.
Family of journalist Andriy Ovcharenko
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Volodymyr Bobechko. News Author And Rewriter At The UOJ
If objective reprinting of news from other media is “incitement of hatred,” then the majority of news workers in the majority of Ukrainian media should be judged for this.
Father Sergiy Chertylin, Human Rights Activist
For his disagreement with the occupation, he began to receive threats and was forced to leave with his family for the territory controlled by Ukraine in August 2022.
Valeriy Stupnitsky, Editor of the Union of Orthodox Journalists (UOJ)
Living for him means living like a Christian. This is what brought him to the Church and made him defend the UOC from injustice.
Andriy Ovcharenko, Technical Editor of the UOJ
He is always on the side of truth and right, and he will always convincingly prove to the wrong person why he is wrong. This trait makes him who he is.