Half of Ukraine’s youth take no interest in religion

Illustrative photo

According to data from the Razumkov Center, interest in religion among Ukraine’s youth has significantly declined. In 2024, only half of Ukrainians aged 18 to 24 expressed an interest in religion.

The study indicates that religiosity is traditionally higher among older age groups. In 2024, 52% of young people aged 18–24 identified as believers, while in other age categories, this figure ranged from 61% to 76%.

Women are more likely to identify as religious compared to men – 76% versus 58%. Additionally, religiosity is higher among rural residents (76.5%) compared to urban dwellers (63.5%).

In 2022, the level of religiosity increased among people with higher education, while it remained nearly unchanged among those with secondary or vocational education. In 2023 and 2024, no statistically significant differences in religiosity between educational groups were observed.

Furthermore, 22% of respondents stated that since the start of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine in 2022, they had become more religious, while 4% reported a decline in their religiosity, and 69% said their faith had remained unchanged.

With age, the proportion of those who have strengthened their faith increases – from 17.5% among respondents under 25 to 26% among those over 60.

As previously reported by the UOJ, Robert Amsterdam called a KIIS poll regarding the ban on the UOC fraudulent.

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