All Ukrainians are equal before SBU, but some are more equal

Roman Hryshchuk. Photo: Facebook / Hryshchuk

Roman Hryshchuk. Photo: Facebook / Hryshchuk

Three UOJ journalists are facing life imprisonment, including charges of "inciting interreligious hatred."

As evidence, they are accused of using words like "radicals," "raiders," "OCU members" and placing quotation marks around the clerical titles of OCU members. This is considered "incitement" – and nothing else.

Now, let’s consider one of countless examples from OCU representatives.

Roman Hryshchuk:
"The UOC are occupiers. A hybrid Putin army, sabotage groups, a propaganda machine with 100 generals, 9,000 officers, and 100,000 rank-and-file members… Their tasks are clear and effective: impose the enemy’s narratives, gather and transmit intelligence, identify and compile lists of patriots, sow despair and doubt about the need to resist the occupation."

Does Hryshchuk provide a single piece of evidence for such serious accusations? Of course not. It is pure falsehood and slander. Moreover, it is a self-serving lie, aimed at furthering his own interests.

Hryshchuk is the leader of a group of itinerant activists from Bukovyna, whose purpose is to "transfer" UOC churches to the OCU – essentially stoking conflict in the region. With statements like this, Hryshchuk is preparing the ground for future takeovers, "correctly" influencing those unfamiliar with church matters.

A person listens to a "respected priest," believes him, and then goes to storm a church belonging to "occupiers" and "saboteurs." And just like that –another hotspot of conflict emerges in the country. Is this good for Ukraine or bad? Basic logic suggests it is bad. But at the SBU, it seems they think otherwise.

Because Hryshchuk faces no consequences. So what if he labels 5-6 million people as enemies? So what if he once again pits Ukrainians against each other? (By the way, comments on Hryshchuk’s Facebook page suggest he does this for money.) No, there are no accusations against him.

But there will be accusations against the UOJ when we report on Hryshchuk’s next "heroic" act and those of his associates.

And this is today’s reality of equality before the law in Ukraine.

Read also

On the OCU’s “informing” against Metropolitan Theodosiy

Let’s pause to reflect: Christians are reporting a fellow bishop to the authorities in an attempt to get him “shut down” – simply because he can celebrate divine services!

Illness or demonic possession?

The MP effectively labeled UOC parishioners abroad as spies because their husbands serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the women "may possess sensitive information relevant to national security."

On the criticism of peace negotiations by Uniates

Shevchuk claims to communicate with God and believes the Saviour "has a plan to save Ukraine".

About the fallen cross in the Lavra

The cross didn’t fall because a tornado swept through Kyiv – no, the weather was perfectly calm and quiet. Simply put, in the words of Klitschko, the cross "got tired."

On the criminal scheme of the OCU in Chernivtsi

This is clearly a criminal corruption scheme with multiple steps.  

The era of lies, robbery and business lifts

A simple guy from a large family in the Carpathians suddenly becomes the owner of the largest shrines in Chernivtsi. Just yesterday, this seemed impossible. Today, it’s a reality.