A 20-thousand Cross Procession from Kamenents-Podolsky is approaching the Pochaev Lavra (VIDEO)

A many-thousand Cross Procession from Kamenets-Podolsky city is approaching the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra. Today is the last culmination day of the Cross Procession. It is reported by the UOJ correspondent. 

Yesterday the pilgrims reached Dzviniache village. The Cross Procession scale is impressive: at the moment it counts nearly 20 thousand believers, with the pilgrim column growing to 7 km in length. The last day is the most important for the pilgrims. It was told by Archpriest Andrey Sosiuk, cleric of Alexandr Nevsky Cathedral, Kamenets-Podolsky city.   

“The last day is very important, responsible. All the people are in anticipation mood, because they are coming up to the greatest sanctity – Holy Pochaev Lavra. Therefore, the most important thing today is special concentration of our spiritual forces, prayer. People have been walking for almost a week and they understood why they are doing it,” underscored the cleric. He added that in order to understand what is Cross Procession – one should participate in it personally. “Now it’s impossible to explain everything, since the emotions are running high”, he said.

Having become traditional, the Cross Procession is filled with special emotional mood. It was confirmed by pilgrim Maxim from Kiev city. “When 10, 15, 20 thousand people arrive at the Pochaev Lavra and everybody kneels down, one has not just goosebumps but tears in their eyes.” Pilgrim Svetlana from Dovzhok village, Khmelnytsky region, told it was the fifth time she had taken part in the Cross Procession with big rejoice and she believes that the Cross Procession is a big power for Orthodox people.

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