UK buses to display quotes from Bible during Easter
The 'Quote Jesus' bus campaign will feature on 75 of London's trade-mark Routemaster buses for two weeks from 10 April. The words of Jesus will be emblazoned on London buses this Easter, in an evangelical campaign aimed at winning hearts and minds and raising 'hope' among people in the capital.
The buses will carry quotes of Jesus including: 'Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die', 'In my Father's house there are many mansions' and 'I am the way, the truth and the life'.
Howard Conder, founder of Revelation TV and the creative force behind the campaign, said: 'In the wake of the Westminster attacks it is clear that hope, or to be precise the lack of hope, is becoming an issue in this generation.
'We think the Bible has a lot say about 'hope', and our vision for this campaign is to influence the hearts, minds and perceptions of this generation, to offer them hope and faith for a better future,' said Conder.
'It was second nature to attend church when I was growing up, but today how many people know that Jesus said, "Do not worry for each day has enough worry of its own" or "Come to me all that are weary and burdened and I will give you rest"?'.
Conder added: 'The Bible is a book of hope and this generation is missing out because it has little knowledge of what the Bible has to say'.
Organisers say that plans are in place to expand the campaign to other locations, both in the UK and around the world, using buses and other advertising media.
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