On the dismal future of our "spiritual independence"

There is one "minor" problem amid the ongoing persecution of the UOC faithful, orchestrated in recent years by the authorities together with the OCU
Sooner or later, all these "hunters" may simply become extinct, just like the mammoths and dinosaurs once did.
Former MP and medic O. Bohomolets has stated that, given current trends (birth and death rates, emigration, etc.), the Ukrainian nation will simply disappear within a few generations. Certain regions will depopulate in the coming decades. This was also hinted at by the American USAID mission, which said that by 2030, Ukraine will have faced a shortage of up to 10 million workers.
Even before the war, the Institute of Demography warned that we are facing extinction, and that our lands will be taken over by other ethnic groups with different cultures and religions.
What does all this mean?
It means that, in the near future, all these coats of arms on iconostases, the seizures, and the beatings of fellow Christian citizens "for the Ukrainian Church" and "spiritual independence" will appear extremely unhealthy and shameful from the outside.
Why do we say "from the outside"? Because it is unlikely that Christians from the EU will fill the vacancies in Ukraine. Almost certainly, these will be migrants from poor Muslim countries.
And if such a migrant steps over the threshold of an Orthodox church, it is highly unlikely that they will be interested in sermons about the greatness of the Ukrainian language or nation.
It will be simple: the preachers will be kicked out into the streets, and the coats of arms with flags will be sent to the nearest dump.
Former MP and medic O. Bohomolets has stated that, given current trends (birth and death rates, emigration, etc.), the Ukrainian nation will simply disappear within a few generations. Certain regions will depopulate in the coming decades. This was also hinted at by the American USAID mission, which said that by 2030, Ukraine will have faced a shortage of up to 10 million workers.
Even before the war, the Institute of Demography warned that we are facing extinction, and that our lands will be taken over by other ethnic groups with different cultures and religions.
What does all this mean?
It means that, in the near future, all these coats of arms on iconostases, the seizures, and the beatings of fellow Christian citizens "for the Ukrainian Church" and "spiritual independence" will appear extremely unhealthy and shameful from the outside.
Why do we say "from the outside"? Because it is unlikely that Christians from the EU will fill the vacancies in Ukraine. Almost certainly, these will be migrants from poor Muslim countries.
And if such a migrant steps over the threshold of an Orthodox church, it is highly unlikely that they will be interested in sermons about the greatness of the Ukrainian language or nation.
It will be simple: the preachers will be kicked out into the streets, and the coats of arms with flags will be sent to the nearest dump, while sooner or later, all "spiritual independence hunters" may simply become extinct, just like the mammoths and dinosaurs once did.
A logical ending, all things considered.