What country do angels work for?

02 December 15:10
Patriotic angels. Photo: Suspilne Patriotic angels. Photo: Suspilne

"Ukrainian angels" is a new term in theology. And it sounds false.

At the Dubno Monastery of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, new icons were unveiled, among which were angels with swords and sashes in the colors of the Ukrainian flag. The abbot draws particular attention to these sashes.

He does not elaborate on the details, but it seems that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine believes that angels should protect Ukraine's interests. Judging by the swords, these interests appear to be military in nature.

Yes, in the war between Russia and Ukraine, our country is the victim, but this hardly justifies "privatizing" angelic forces by putting them at the service of the Ukrainian state. Why is this inappropriate?

The famous words of Apostle Paul, that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood," can primarily be applied to angelic forces. In the Holy Scriptures, angels act as messengers of God and executors of His will.

Thus, they do not kill people or take sides with any particular country (no matter how much we might wish it so). Angels engage in "warfare" only against "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Therefore, "Ukrainian angels" represent a new concept in theology – and it rings false.


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