Lutsenko destroys UOC chapel in Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine

17 November 2016 23:15
Lutsenko destroys UOC chapel in Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine
Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko transferred the UOC on-site chapel, which was opened by his predecessor (2010-2014) Viktor Pshonka, to be used as work-rooms. It is reported by Realist with reference to Ukrainian News.

“A lot of people were astonished by the news. At the order of Yury Lutsenko there was destroyed an Orthodox church, situated in the General Procuracy’s building,” informed the source of Ukrainian News in the Prosecutor General’s Office.

According to a staff member of the PGO, when a new building was erected in Reznitskaya Street, it was planned to let a big lodging on the 11th floor for locating an orthodox temple. .

When the construction works were over, the lodging was sanctified by the clergymen from the UOC monastery of Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin in Kiev. The premises were given under the monastery’s jurisdiction.

“Churchmen created a true orthodox temple with an altar, icons, and a place for moleben prayers within the agency’s building. Every day the monastery’s servants attended the church, lit candles, and read prayers. Staff members of the Prosecutor General’s Office visited this temple when they lost their near and dear, on the church holidays, as well as important occasions,” tells the source.

Icons and altar parts have been already taken away.

“The lodging, in which the temple used to be located, was accommodated for work-rooms of the Administration for International Cooperation staff. Having taken away the icons, they brought in office furniture and placed the staff members,” reported an agency’s employee.

He added such actions caused a negative response not only from the PGO staff, but also churchmen of the above monastery. They qualified such act as godless.

Reportedly, former prosecutor General (2014-2015) Vitaly Yarema spoke against dismantling of the chapel.
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