1+1 tells another lie: the Church did not ask for written proceeding in the case against Ministry of Culture, – head of the UOC Law Department

11 March 2017 11:16
1+1 tells another lie: the Church did not ask for written proceeding in the case against Ministry of Culture, – head of the UOC Law Department
On 10 March 2017 TSN video plot supplied false information on the UOC suit against the Ministry of Culture. The Church did not actually ask the court to move on to a written proceeding. The court did it on its own due to the absence of representatives of the Ministry at the court hearing. It was said by head of the UOC Law Department protopriest Alexander Bakhov on his Facebook page.

“TSN news agency on 1+1 channel resorted to another falsehood and trick when showing its video plot asserting that “upon the request of the Church the court began a written proceeding,” outraged the UOC representative.

“Actually, it is not true: the UOC representatives did not ask the court about a written proceeding,” explained the protopriest. – “The point is that in the event of absence of a litigant’s legal standing in a case file, i.e. the Ministry of Culture, as well as absence of its representatives at the court session, the court uses its right and begins a written proceeding, which means the court will consider the case based on the available materials (part 6, article 128 of the Code of Administrative Proceeding of Ukraine).”

Earlier the UOJ reported that representatives of the Ministry of Culture did not show up at the court hearing of the case on procrastination of registration of the UOC eparchies and monasteries.
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