UOC community of Chudnitsa wins a court vs. executive service of Ukraine

30 March 2018 12:36
The parishioners of the UOC in Chudnitsa village hold divine services in the church house, which Filaret adherents failed to sue The parishioners of the UOC in Chudnitsa village hold divine services in the church house, which Filaret adherents failed to sue

On March 28, the Economic Court of the Rovno region satisfied the complaint of the UOC religious community of St. Paraskeva in the village of Chudnitsa, Goshcha district.

As reported by the correspondent of the UOJ, the parish complained about the state executive service, which did not comply with the court decision of December 19, 2017 – did not collect the state fee in the amount of UAH 3000 from the religious community of the UOC KP of Chudnitsa village.

"During the trial it was established that among the available materials of the case there is only a resolution on the opening of the enforcement proceedings, and that's all!”, said the human rights activist of the Rovno eparchy of the UOC Ilya Ivanchenko. “It means the employees of the state executive service deliberately shifted off fulfilling the duties imposed by the legislation. That, in turn, calls into question the tasks of legal proceedings, namely: ensuring everyone the right to a fair trial and respect for other rights and freedoms, guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine."

After the above facts had been set out, the Economic Court of Rovno region fully satisfied the complaint of the UOC religious community of Chudnitsa village.

The Economic Court of the Rovno region previously considered the claim from the religious community of the Kiev Patriarchate of the village of Chudnitsa. Filaret followers sued the community of the UOC in order to obtain ownership of the church house. The court, having taken into account all legal grounds, refused to satisfy the claim.

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