"Death to enemies!": The future Tomos celebrated on Maidan

15 October 2018 12:50
Action Action "Cahors on Maidan"

During the rally on Maidan to celebrate the Tomos, which Ukraine hasn’t received yet, its participants shouted nationalist slogans but couldn’t name the 10 commandments.

The celebration of the future Tomos called “Cahors on Maidan” was held in the centre of Kiev on the evening of October 12, reports “Strana”.

The action gathered about 150-170 people. They drank alcohol and raised toasts to the President and the Ukrainian authorities.

One of the participants made the following speech about the Tomos: “Ukraine has been waiting for this for 333 years. For one, it is little, but for another, it is very much. Mazepa did not wait, Grushevsky did not wait, Petliura did not wait. Even Bandera and Shukhevich did not wait, and we did. We did it. Our Church did it, our President did it.”

Those who came to the event with a drink in their hands shouted slogans: “Glory to the heroes!”, “Glory to the nation!”, and “Death to enemies!”.

The correspondent of the edition asked the audience if they could name the 10 commandments. None of those present could do this.

The participants also compared the Synod’s decision with the Independence Day.

As the UOJ reported, the “Cahors on Maidan” action was announced on the Web and atheists, members of the Kiev Patriarchate and Catholics were welcomed. The text also states that, although there are still elections for the head of the Single Church and the official presentation of a document on autocephaly to Ukraine, the time for the holiday has already come.


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