Ex-cleric of UOC-KP in Volyn returns to the Church from schism

Former cleric of Volyn “eparchy” of the UOC-KP Vitaly Kupchinsky repented of participating in the church schism and returned to the UOC – for now as a simple layman.
“It is better to save a soul in the canonical Church as a layman than to destroy it even being a ‘bishop’ in a schism,” said a convert of the UOC, Vitaly Kupchinsky, in a commentary to the Union of Orthodox Journalists.
From early childhood, Vitaly Kupchinsky served as a priest in the Transfiguration church in the village of Bystrovitsa, Gorokhov district. As he recalls on his Facebook page, he carried the obedience of a sexton, a reader, a choir singer. But, unfortunately, in 2006 he succumbed to pseudo-patriotic moods and left the Church for the Kiev Patriarchate.
“Zinkevich (“Metropolitan ”Mikhail Zinkevich – Ed.) ordained me in 2010. And then he sent me to forcefully seize the temple in my native village of Bystrovitsa. But I did not take the path of confrontation and out of despair went to the Protestants. Zinkevich banned me from priesthood,” said Vitaliy Kupchinsky.
Leaving the Volyn eparchy of the UOC-KP, the former cleric sought the truth in other religious organizations. But a few months ago he returned to the Church, from which he had come out, turning to the head of the Volyn Eparchy of the UOC, Archbishop Nathanael (Krikota) to perform penance.
“In the Intercession church I had the order of repentance and took the Holy Communion. Now I pray and save my soul in the true canonical Church, where my devout grandmother would bring me along from childhood, where my ancestors prayed and accomplished their earthly journey in God. Friends! The Church does not repel anyone, but accepts everyone with love!” Vitaly Kupchinsky addressed his fellow countrymen.
According to him, the issue of the possible canonical ordination of a lay person who has returned to the Church is being resolved, but this actually worries him the least – let it happen according to the Lord’s will.
As reported by the UOJ, the clergyman of Berdiansk eparchy, Archpriest Alexander Tiutiuma, who had previously transferred to the OCU, returned to the canonical Church.