Patriarch Kirill calls on Christians to be faithful to canonical Church

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church said that today all Christians must maintain the unity of Holy Orthodoxy and loyalty to the canonical Church.
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, at the last meeting of the Supreme Church Council this year, said that despite the absence of the threat of martyrdom, all Christians should remain firm in maintaining the unity of Holy Orthodoxy and fidelity to the canonical system of the Church, Interfax reports.
Reflecting on the future of the Church, Patriarch Kirill said, “It is obvious that in the twentieth year many challenges will be met and new work will be done to strengthen the canonical purity of Orthodoxy and even greater efforts will be made to preserve the unity of Holy Orthodoxy, to restore and regain it in the places where this unity has been shaken."
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church expressed the hope that “the split will not expand but, on the contrary, will diminish” despite the 'corrupt, killing force' of its supporters and recalled that the Lord called all Christians to be faithful to him “even until death”. At the same time, the Patriarch noted that "what is happening inside the schism testifies to its lack of grace."
“Whatever awaits us next year, 2020, we must always remember the Savior’s words ‘Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom’,” the ROC head urged.
Patriarch Kirill believes that in Ukraine the pressure on the Orthodox Church has decreased, but there remains a threat of interference in the internal affairs of the UOC.
As reported by the UOJ, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church hopes that those hierarchs who have recognized the OCU, will realize the sin of supporting dissenters and rethink their decision.