Believers of Georgia voice support for brothers from Ukraine and Montenegro

Orthodox believers in Georgia published an appeal and began collecting signatures in support of the UOC and the Serbian Church in Montenegro.
On December 31, 2019, believers of the Georgian Orthodox Church delivered a message to the Orthodox of Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine from the flock of the Georgian Orthodox Church. The address is published on Zneoba website.
Signatures of Georgian Orthodox parishioners are published under the message in support of their fellow believers from Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro. The signature collection continues.
“We, the flock of the Georgian Orthodox Church, are turning to Christian Orthodox in Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro with Christian love. Your test is a test for the entire Orthodox Church.
Those who are in schism are outside the Church and will not be saved. The forces of this world are fighting the Church; they want to beat Her to Her knees. But we must always remember that the Church stands on the rock – which is Christ – and the gates of hell will not prevail over it.
Orthodox brothers from Georgia are standing next to you. May the Lord help you!” the address says.