Mukachevo Eparchy of UOC to bake and give out thousands of Easter cakes

The action is initiated by the head of the Youth Department and the confessor of the Irshava Youth Brotherhood of St. John the Baptist, Archimandrite Agapit (Shpiniak).
With the blessing of Metropolitan Theodore of Mukachevo and Uzhgorod, the UOC launches the annual charity project “Christ is Risen, Rejoice all!”, during which it is planned to bake and give out thousands of Easter cakes to the destitute, orphans and seriously ill Transcarpathians, reports the press service of the eparchy.
Last year, as part of the action, the Orthodox youth of the Mukachevo Eparchy distributed about 10 thousand Easter cakes to the needy.
“Friends, let us together give Easter joy to those who need it. Anyone who wants to take part in the action can transfer the funds for which the products necessary for baking will be purchased. We will also gladly accept the following products: flour, milk, eggs, sugar, various powders and icing, margarine, butter, yeast. We do good while we have time!” called the organizers of the charity event.
Contact phones: 0968724567 (Archimandrite Agapit), 0971124292 (Marcelina, project coordinator).
As reported earlier, in the Mukachevo Eparchy, the first charity bakery was opened, which in the days of the coronavirus quarantine bakes and distributes free bread to the needy.