Reserve Major: One must be allegiant to the Church like to an oath

A reserve major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from Uzhhorod urged to be faithful to the UOC inasmuch as one keeps the oath.
On December 29, 2022, a resident of Uzhgorod, a reserve major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a believer of the UOC, recorded a video in support of the canonical Church. The video is posted in the Telegram channel +MDEFENDERS OF UKRAINE+.
The resident of Uzhhorod named Vitaly said that he has been going to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church all his life and will be faithful to it to the end.
“The faith that is given from parents must be kept until the end of life. It's like in the army: if you swore an oath once, but then you swear it to others, then life becomes different,” said Vitaly. He urged to support the Ukrainian Orthodox Church headed by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry.
“Support our Orthodox faith, which is passed down from our parents, and then the Lord will help us,” stressed an Orthodox Christian from Uzhhorod.
As the UOJ wrote, the "Myriany" opened a Telegram channel on support of the UOC by the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.