Shevchuk: Pochaiv Lavra is related to the UGCC

08 January 2023 10:15
Sviatoslav Shevchuk. Photo: Sviatoslav Shevchuk. Photo:

Shevchuk added that the UGCC does not claim the shrines of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

The head of the UGCC, Sviatoslav Shevchuk, in an interview with the New Voice stated that the Pochaiv Lavra is related to the UGCC.

“Historically, there is another Lavra (Pochaiv Lavra – Ed.), which had a certain relation to our church and for a long period of time was a very important spiritual, cultural center of our church. I mean the Pochaiv Lavra. At one time there was the famous Basilian Monastery, the Pochaiv Icon of the Mother of God was crowned with papal crowns. This must be born in mind. In addition, there was an important center of our book printing. Therefore, we are concerned about its further destiny,” Shevchuk said.

According to him, the UGCC does not lay claim to the shrines of another Lavra, the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

“We have no claims to the shrines of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, although we are very closely watching the developments. Even though we do not claim as a church that our services are conducted there, we care as citizens of Ukraine… We will ask the Lord God to give wisdom to our statesmen so that this national shrine truly remains the common treasure of our people,” he added.

As the UOJ reported earlier, the Ternopil Regional Council said how to take the Pochaiv Lavra from the UOC.

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