Lviv Metropolitan explains the need to test for COVID-19

21 April 2020 18:54
Self-isolation and timely testing are the main methods to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Photo: Self-isolation and timely testing are the main methods to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Photo:

The UOC hierarch called to "discard any conspiracy theory" and not listen to those who claim any negative consequences of testing for coronavirus.

Self-isolation and timely testing of the disease are the main methods to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection and even death, said Metropolitan Filaret (Kucherov), head of the Synodal Department for Health and Pastoral Care of Medical Institutions of the UOC in a letter regarding the desirability of testing for COVID-19, published on the website of the Lviv Eparchy of the UOC.

The hierarch’s appeal followed recent statements about the negative consequences of testing, including from some priests and monks who “actively urge to evade testing, some on the basis of their religious beliefs, and some on the basis of fear of being detected as a carrier or ill. ”

“There are always those among us who see everything differently, but I want to declare with full responsibility that self-isolation and timely testing of the disease are the main methods to prevent the spread of the disease and even death,” the bishop said. “I ask you to discard any conspiracy theory in this matter and not take false, superstitious information that is spread by ignorant, pseudo-righteous people.”

According to him, "each of these provocateurs brings doubts into the hearts of other people, perhaps pushes to a direct threat to get sick or to be a carrier, pushes to direct death".

“What do these pseudo-devotees appeal to?” Allegedly, not trusting the will of God, we lose faith and dissent from the love of God. (...) True elders always call from carelessness and faintheartedness to prudence, which appears in a person from balancing the heart and the mind, when we test the mind with the heart and the heart with the mind. Therefore, be prudent in these days of trials, like wise virgins who pre-prepared oil for their lamps, do everything that depends on us, and leave it independent of us to the will of God,” the head of the UOC Synodal Department for Health Pastoral Care urged.

He emphasized that now more than ever it is important "to act solely on the basis of a good disposition towards our neighbour, this is a commandment of our Faith".

“You shouldn’t fear to be tested, you shouldn’t fear to get ill. You should fear to infect!” Metropolitan Filaret explained. “Compelled isolation measures are difficult for any person to accept, they limit our communication, our usual pastime, however, these measures give us the opportunity to reflect on what we are doing wrong. Undoubtedly, self-strictness, deprivation and sorrow change us, but it’s up to us to choose in which direction – for better or worse. Deliver truly good news to your neighbours, for the Lord said that “by this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another” (John 13, 35). And if we really love, then no one can harm us.”

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