Zelensky responds to petition against mandatory vaccination of population

The Head of State responded to a petition collecting 25, 000 signatures on the abolition of forced testing and vaccination of the people of Ukraine.
On June 16, 2020, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky responded to the petition to ban mandatory testing and vaccination of Ukrainian citizens, which was published on May 14 on the Head of State’s website.
Sergey Gula, the author of this petition, which collected 25, 543 signatures, asked the President “to prevent the possibility of forced testing or vaccination of citizens of Ukraine, taking into account certain quarantine measures and ensuring their natural right to personal integrity and respect for the dignity of the person”. According to the author of the petition and those who signed it, such a vaccination violates art. 28 of the Constitution of Ukraine.
In response, the President recalled that the Constitution recognizes the life and health of citizens as the highest social value, guarantees the right of everyone to protection of health, and prescribes the state to ensure sanitary and epidemic well-being.
“The basic legislation of Ukraine on health protection established an obligation of citizens of Ukraine not only to take care of their own health and the health of their children, but also not to harm the health of other citizens, as well as in cases prescribed by law to undergo preventive medical examinations and vaccinations (subparagraphs a and b of part 1 of article 10),” the Head of State noted.
He also recalled that representatives of certain professions are required by law to be vaccinated, and in the event of “a threat of a particularly dangerous infectious disease or mass spread of a dangerous infectious disease in their respective territories and facilities,” they can also conduct mandatory preventive vaccination against this infectious disease.
Zelensky also recalled responsibility for violating the law on protecting the population from infectious diseases and that the World Health Organization in 2019 included the refusal of vaccination in the annual list of global threats to humanity. The President also drew attention to the fact that after the COVID-19 pandemic, the main priority for the whole world is to prevent the spread of this virus.
“Of course, humanity again in its modern history has faced an extremely dangerous threat that has changed the usual way of life of every person. In light of the foregoing, I proposed to the Prime Minister of Ukraine D. Shmigal to take additional systemic measures to protect the population from infectious diseases,” Zelensky concluded.
On April 10, a petition was filed on the White House website calling for the US government to investigate the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is accused of medical malpractice and crimes against humanity. The petitioners emphasized that “Bill Gates is in the forefront, who has publicly expressed his interest in ‘reducing population growth’ by 10-15% through vaccination.”