Ukrainian politician calls on OP to respond to situation in Zolochiv

14 July 2020 22:52
Vasily Gorbal. Photo: Vasily Gorbal. Photo:

According to Vasily Gorbal, appointment of the current chairman of the Lviv RSA is another personnel error of the President's Office of Ukraine.

On July 14, 2020, former MP of Ukraine Vasily Gorbal called on the Office of the President of Ukraine to respond to the situation in Zolochiv city, Lviv Region, where representatives of the UGCC, local residents and authorities oppose the construction of the UOC church. The ex-people's deputy declared about it on air of "112 channel".

According to him, the Chairman of the Lviv Regional State Administration, Maxim Kozitsky, who is known, in particular, for his blatant rhetoric regarding church-related matters, is another personnel error of the President’s Office.

“It seems to me that the President’s Office should respond to the situation and admit that they have another personnel appointment error in the Lviv Region,” said Gorbal.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that in Zolochiv a “veche” was being prepared against the believers of the UOC. Earlier, the Zolochiv City Council said that there is no and won’t be “Moscow church” in the city, while the house of the UOC clergyman was painted with insults and Nazi symbols.

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