SOC hierarch: Serbian Church will continue to develop relations with ROC

07 March 2021 13:14
Bishop Anthony of Moravici. Photo: Bishop Anthony of Moravici. Photo:

According to Bishop Anthony, Patriarch Porfirije will continue to follow the paths that the Russian and Serbian peoples have followed for centuries.

The rector of the Serbian metochion in Moscow, Bishop Anthony of Moravici of the Serbian Orthodox Church, said that under the new Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, relations between the SOC and the Russian Church will continue to develop.

“Today Serbia is a country that, after all the difficult events of its history, is successfully developing economically, primarily thanks to the efforts of President  Aleksandar Vučić, who is establishing broad international relations. Our fraternal relations with Russia, with the Russian Orthodox Church, are also developing,” the Bishop said.

He recalled that after his election to the Serbian Patriarchal throne, Vladyka Porfirije was the first to receive congratulations by telephone from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and the DECR Chairman, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev). According to Vladyka Anthony, "these congratulations made Patriarch Porfirije very happy, he felt great support and love of the great Slavic people, great Russia."

“I think that the fraternal relations that the Serbian Patriarchs, traditionally maintained with the Russian Church, will be continued by the newly elected Patriarch Porfirije, following the paths that our peoples – Russian and Serbian – have followed for centuries,” the hierarch emphasized.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the rector of the Serbian metochion in Moscow, Bishop of Moravici of the Serbian Orthodox Church, spoke about the details of the election of the Serbian Patriarch.

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