DESS head: UOC needs to sever ties with Russia, not to join another Church

Viktor Yelensky believes that by severing ties with Moscow, the UOC will be able to establish a dialogue with the OCU.
Viktor Yelensky, head of the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience stated that the state does not demand from the UOC "any changes to the calendar, liturgical language, joining another church, or proclaiming autocephaly. The only requirement is to sever ties with the Moscow Patriarchate," as reported by the DESS website.
According to Yelensky, if the UOC does so, the religious landscape in the country will change significantly, and dialogue between the UOC and the OCU will become possible.
The head of the DESS also stated that "according to the draft law awaiting a second reading, the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine will be impossible." However, this does not mean a ban on religious beliefs but rather the cessation of activities of religious structures subordinate to the Russian Federation.
As the UOJ reported, draft law 8371 in its new version, recommended by the Rada Committee for adoption in the second reading, contains provisions under which the UOC could be banned based on the statutory documents of structures from the Russian Federation.