Priest fined for posts against the OCU in Sumy region

31 May 19:55
The court fined a priest of the UOC. Photo: Focus The court fined a priest of the UOC. Photo: Focus

The rector of St Peter and Paul’s Church in the village of Saltykovo had his phone, from which he posted messages, confiscated.

The Konotop District Court of the Sumy region fined the rector of St Peter and Paul’s Church in the village of Saltykovo 8,500 UAH for inciting religious hatred, reports Sudovyi Reporter.

In 2023-2024, the priest posted on Facebook, which a reader of his blog interpreted as offensive to the OCU.

In particular, the court listed what offended the supporter of the OCU: "This time, the notorious metropolitan celebrated the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the old style"; "And this devilish act, these soul-breaking actions, they call it music and art? It’s just like the OCU..."; "The aim, I think, was one – to desecrate the Lavra once again."

The rector also shared a video with a monologue by a girl: "This is anger, aggressive force, seizing/appropriating what belongs to others, it's not about building your own but coming with force, with weapons, a grinder, tear gas... to take away UOC churches, to claim what others have done. This is looting."

The priest admitted his guilt, and his phone was confiscated in favor of the state.

As reported, Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhia and Melitopol characterized an article published on the website about himself as manipulation and incitement to hatred.

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