Patriarch Bartholomew accuses ROC Primate of preaching anti-Christianity

07 December 16:45
Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo: Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo:

The head of Phanar assured that he prays for those clergy and laity of the Russian Orthodox Church who "raise their voices against the inhumane policies of President Putin and the anti-Christian preaching of Patriarch Kirill."

On December 6, 2024, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople accused Patriarch Kirill of Moscow of preaching anti-Christianity, reports

During a sermon at the Church of St. Nicholas in Istanbul, Patriarch Bartholomew spoke about Russia’s war against Ukraine.

He addressed “a special plea to the revered Saint Nicholas and to all those Russian clergy and laity who support their Orthodox brothers and sisters in Ukraine.”

According to Patriarch Bartholomew, these Russian clergy and laity suffer “from ongoing persecution and imprisonment precisely because they raise their voices against the inhumane policies of President Putin and the anti-Christian preaching of Patriarch Kirill.”

Earlier, the UOJ reported that a hierarch of Phanar explained why Bartholomew commemorates the head of the Russian Orthodox Church during the liturgy.

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