In Cherkasy, OCU invites guests to a concert in the seized UOC cathedral

18 December 20:48
The UOC Archangel Michael Cathedral in Cherkasy seized by the OCU. Photo: Facebook The UOC Archangel Michael Cathedral in Cherkasy seized by the OCU. Photo: Facebook

The event is scheduled for December 25.

In the seized Archangel Michael Cathedral in Cherkasy, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) will host a concert of opera and classical music. An invitation on their Facebook page encourages everyone interested to attend for a donation.

On the day when Christmas is celebrated according to the New Julian calendar, the organizers have announced a program featuring "opera bel canto and classical music" at 11 a.m. They emphasize that the concert will take place in Ukraine's largest church.

Online commenters have questioned the event, asking: "Is this why churches are built? Have all other venues in the city been exhausted? Is this how the birth of the Savior of the world should be celebrated?"

Admission requires a donation starting at 100 UAH.

As previously reported by UOJ, the OCU served meat stew to attendees in the seized Cherkasy cathedral on a fasting day.

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