Greek hierarch orders to shorten Liturgy for masked laity not to suffer

The Greek hierarch orders the morning service should begin at 8 a.m., the Divine Liturgy – at 9 and its dismissal to take place "necessarily" at 10.
On November 9, 2021, Metropolitan Chrysostomos (Greek Ιωάννης Αβαγιανός) of Eleftheroupoli of the Greek Orthodox Church sent a circular to the priests of his diocese, in which he ordered to shorten the time of services, reports the Greek resource Vima Orthodoxias.
In the circular, because of the great spread of coronavirus cases both throughout the country and in his metropolitan region, Met. Chrysostomos proceeds to take measures announcing that: "Divine worship in temples, vespers and the Divine Liturgies will be simplified and accelerated in terms of their duration.”
His Holiness explains due to the fact that all the services are held in the temples with the doors and windows open in the middle of winter, "it is not right for Christians wearing the protective mask to suffer for a long time".
According to the circular, the morning service must begin at 8 am, the Divine Liturgy at 9 and its dismissal will take place "necessarily" at 10.
Considering the vaccine "as a last resort and a weapon to deal with the terrible pandemic" and "listening to the heartbreaking and just appeal of the State but also the warm, paternal request of the Holy Synod" the metropolitan urges all the faithful to come "quickly" to vaccination centres.
As reported, Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Eleftheroupoli of the Greek Orthodox Church sent out a circular to the priests of his diocese, in which he ordered each cleric to be vaccinated from covid within a week.