Vatican declares artificial intelligence carries a 'shadow of evil'

AI should be used solely as a tool to complement human intelligence, not replace it, according to the document "Antica et nova".
On January 28, the Vatican urged governments to closely monitor the development of artificial intelligence, warning that this technology harbors a “shadow of evil” in its potential to spread disinformation. Titled “Antica et Nova” (“The Old and the New”), the Note was granted on 14 January 2025 to the undersigned Prefects and Secretaries of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Dicastery for Culture and Education, and approved by the Pontiff.
The new Vatican document explores the impact of artificial intelligence across various spheres, including the labor market, healthcare, and education, according to Vaticannews. As AI advances rapidly toward even greater achievements, it is critically important to consider its anthropological and ethical implications. This involves not only mitigating risks and preventing harm but also ensuring that its applications are used to promote human progress and the common good.
“By distorting 'our relationship with others and with reality,' AI-generated fake media can gradually undermine the foundations of society,” reads a new text on the ethics of artificial intelligence, laying an emphasis that “this issue requires careful regulation, as misinformation – especially through AI-controlled or influenced media – can spread unintentionally, fueling political polarization and social unrest."
The document notes that AI can improve lives, but if misused, it could lead to apocalyptic outcomes. Considering the various challenges posed by advances in technology, Pope Francis emphasized the need for growth in “human responsibility, values, and conscience,” proportionate to the growth in the potential that this technology brings – recognizing that “with an increase in human power comes a broadening of responsibility on the part of individuals and communities.”
In particular, AI could foster loneliness and “enslave” workers by confining them to rigid and repetitive tasks. Additionally, programs that mimic human appearance and behavior risk hindering the development of children.
Furthermore, “fundamental respect for human dignity demands that we refuse to allow the uniqueness of the person to be identified with a set of data. We cannot allow algorithms to limit or condition respect for human dignity, or to exclude compassion, mercy, forgiveness, and above all, the hope that people are able to change.”
The Vatican also warned that weapons capable of killing without human intervention could threaten the survival of entire regions or even humanity itself. “This danger demands serious attention,” the document says, “reflecting the long-standing concern about technologies that grant war ‘an uncontrollable destructive power over great numbers of innocent civilians,’ without even sparing children.”
Finally, “Antica et Nova” insists that AI “must be used solely as a tool to complement human intelligence, rather than replace its richness.”
As previously reported by the UOJ, last week the Pope sent a message about artificial intelligence to the World Economic Forum in Davos, cautioning political, economic, and business leaders that this technology raises “critical concerns” about the future of humanity.