Exarch of ROC: Hierarchs recognising schism, not Greeks, cause problems

17 February 2022 17:27
Exarch of ROC: Hierarchs recognising schism, not Greeks, cause problems

Metropolitan Leonid of Klin stated that the ROC has big disagreements with the hierarchs of the Churches that have recognised the OCU.

The Exarch of the ROC in Africa gave a big interview to the Russian School of Experts in which he gave a detailed and reasoned argument as to the importance of the actions of the ROC on the territory of the African continent. In particular, he expressed his gratitude to the Greek people, calling them fraternal. The main disagreements, according to Vladyka, concern the actions of the episcopate and Primates of the Alexandrian, Greek and Constantinople Churches of Alexandria, Greece and Constantinople. 

In addition to the main problem of recognizing the Ukrainian schismatics, the Greek hierarchs in the current situation did not show themselves in the best light. For example, Metropolitan Gregory of Cameroon accused the Russians of the genocide of the Greeks, despite the fact that as a result of the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829, the Ottoman Empire recognized the independence of the Greek lands from which the Kingdom of Greece was formed in 1830. Bishop Leonid also stressed that the Greek community and the Greek kindergarten and school continue to operate under the Moscow Metochion of the Exarchate. " We have a brotherly attitude towards the people of Greece, they are our brothers in Christ, they are Orthodox brothers. We do our best to maintain appropriate dialogue with them, but I showed you what the hierarchs are doing," resumed the exarch. 

To dispel all misunderstandings, Metropolitan Leonid urged to read his Telegram channel, which constantly reports truthful information about the situation on the African continent, with photo and video facts.

As reported, the Russian Orthodox Church plans to open monasteries in Africa.

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