On denunciations to "authorities" about UOC Diaspora

Two statements have recently appeared almost simultaneously: one from the head of the Uniates, Shevchuk, and another from the OCU cleric Kovalenko, both denouncing the UOC diaspora.
Currently, thousands of churches in Ukraine have been seized, and tomorrow, the same could happen to any remaining active church. The only way we can be 100% certain of attending a service next Sunday is by being outside Ukraine. However, in recent times, the UOC diaspora (which now comprises around 100 churches) has come under media attacks from our "Christian brothers" in the UGCC and OCU. Two statements have emerged almost simultaneously: one from the head of the Uniates, Shevchuk, and the other from OCU cleric Kovalenko. Their message is nearly identical – Ukrainian authorities must do everything possible to ensure that UOC parishes do not exist, not only within the country but also beyond its borders.
The arguments presented are outright lies (not even manipulations):
- That these communities are established under Moscow’s orders and financed by it.
- That they promote the concept of the "Russian World".
- That UOC communities train spies and provocateurs to create unrest in Ukraine.
The conclusion drawn by these "Christian brothers" is clear – they are calling on Ukraine’s "relevant authorities" to take action. Simply put, to ban and eliminate UOC communities, as has nearly been achieved at home.
At the same time, both speakers are fully aware that they are spreading falsehoods, that the UOC diaspora has no ties to Moscow. Moreover, the ROC itself is not pleased with its emergence. The reason behind these statements is simple – both the UGCC and the OCU seek to "privatize" all emigrants (even though the OCU is prohibited from doing so by the Tomos issued by Pat. Partholomew).
During the Soviet era, some pragmatic citizens living in communal apartments would snitch on their neighbors to the authorities in hopes of acquiring their living 'square meters' after their arrest.
As the saying goes, nothing personal.
And nothing Christian.