“Right Sector” arranged another provocation against the UOC faithful in Cherkassy

On August 9 radicals arranged another provocation during the local cross procession in Cherkassy. It is reported by the UOC Awareness-Raising Department.
On this day there were held festivities dedicated to the appearance of the Mother of God above the future Archangel Michael’s Cathedral. Upon the end of the Divine Liturgy there was held a Cross procession attended by many people, during which there were pronounced prayers for the peace in Ukraine.
As it is reported, the prayer session was spoiled by an action of some local activists from the “Right Sector” who picketed the Orthodox of Cherkassy city.
The radicals told on the site that the “procession was being supervised by the “Right Sector” nationalists of Cherkassy region.
“Quite absurd appears the situation when several radically minded activists try to control the procession that exceeds them tenfold and decide which faith is true. Not less surprising is the behavior of the law enforcers who let a bunch of semi-military informal grouping in balaclavas impede the believers of the biggest religious confession to exercise their constitutional right to freedom of faith,” comments the Awareness-Raising Department.
It will be reminded that the activity of semi-military groupings has raised concerns in the European community for a long time now. In November 2015, reporting on the humanitarian situation in the East of Ukraine, Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe Nils Muižnieks said that “all military formations, which haven’t been fully integrated into regular armed forces or the police, and continue to act outside the regular Command, shall be subject to disarmament and dismissal without delay.” As it is known, armed groups of the “Right Sector” refused to make a part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or Ministry of Internal Affairs.