In Hamburg the UOC delegation told about 1000-year ties of Athos and Ukraine

On 27 November 2016, upon the invitation of bishop of Frankfurt and all Germany Sergius (Karanovich) of the Orthodox Church of Serbia, the UOC delegation, led by deputy chair of the UOC DECR Archpriest Nikolay Danilevich, took part in the festive worship service in the Orthodox temple of Serbia of St. Archistrategos Michael. Archpriest Nikolay Danilevich assisted the ruling archbishop and the clergy at the divine service of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Following the service there was an opening of the photo exhibition “Following the Roads of Athos” upon the blessing of vladyka Sergius, attended by the Ukrainian guests. It displayed over 50 works of Greek photographer Kostas Asimis, featuring views of the Holy Mount and its monasteries, life and daily routine of Athonite hermits.
On the same day was there was shown a film “A thousand years in Athos” in the Center of Orthodox Culture at the SOC temple, followed by an informative lecture given by Director of the International Institute of Athonite Legacy in Ukraine (IIALU) and chief editor of almanac “Athonite Legacy” Sergey Shumilo, dedicated to the millennia-old traditions in the Holy Mount Athos. Within the evening program there was held a presentation of Athonite publishers of the UOC and IIALU, at the end of which the attendees could ask questions and get answers on various aspects of the life, daily routine, history and heritage of the Holy Mount monkhood.
As it was reported earlier, there has been carried out a large-scale spiritual and educational project in nine cities of Europe during one month (November-December), dedicated to the 1000- old legacy of the Holy Mount Athos.
Within the project there will be held a series of scientific and educational events on the topic “Athos-Kiev: on the occasion of 1000-old spiritual and cultural ties” in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, and France.
There have been already held events in Warsaw, Prague, Karlovy Vary, and Hamburg. The subsequent events are scheduled as follows: 01.12. – Naples; 04.12. – Rome; 08.12. – Geneva; 11.12. – Milan; 13.12. – Strasbourg.
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