Athos icon of the Holy Virgin “The Quick to Hearken” arrives in Odessa (PHOTO, VIDEO)

27 July 2017 12:54
Athos icon of the Holy Virgin “The Quick to Hearken” arrives in Odessa (PHOTO, VIDEO)
On July 25 Icon of the Mother of God "Skoroposlushnitsa" (“The Quick to Hearken”) was delivered to the Holy Dormition Odessa monastery, which, with the blessing of His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, was painted by Athonite monks and consecrated on the original in the monastery of Dokhiyar, writes the site of the eparchy.

The meeting of the icon was led by Metropolitan Agafangel with a host of archpastors, pastors and laymen.

After the meeting Vladyka performed akathist singing before the image of the Mother of God in co-operation with the episcopate, numerous city clergy and the monastery brethren in holy dignity, praying for peace and prosperity in Ukraine and Odessa region.

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