On the Holy Mount, we fill ourselves with the spirit of love for God, – Primate of UOC

08 November 2017 09:22
On the Holy Mount, we fill ourselves with the spirit of love for God, – Primate of UOC
Primate of the UOC Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine His Beatitude Onufry visited the Docheiariou monastery and met with Hegumen Grigory and monks during his pilgrimage to Mount Athos, reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

"On the Holy Mount, we fill ourselves with the spirit of love for God," said His Beatitude. "We ask the Father Hegumen of holy prayers for our Orthodox country so that the Lord will give the authorities good thoughts and good wishes. The Lord gives us what we deserve. And if we deserve the better, the bad will become good. And if we sin, the good will turn out to be formidable for us. Now the Lord is testing our Orthodox countries. And Hellas is suffering in its own way, and we are suffering in our own way. But if the Lord tests us and gives us something bitter, it means He loves us and has not turned away from us."

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