Filaret: Never ever repentant

02 December 2017 02:21
Filaret: Never ever repentant
On November 30, at a press conference, head of the UOC-KP Filaret (Denisenko) said that in his letter addressed to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and the ROC episcopate, he did not repent of the split, while his letter was not repentant.

"There was no repentance, there is no and will never be!", Filaret said.

The head of the Kyiv Patriarchate expressed the conviction that Ukraine will have its own independent Church.

"I declare to you and everyone: the UOC-KP will never return to the Moscow Patriarchate, because we have our own independent state," Filaret said. "Because there will never be a return." Instead we will have an Autocephalous Local Church."
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