Сourt hearings on the illegal construction of Tithes Monastery begin

On May 29, the District Administrative Court of Kiev held the first hearings on the case of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Tithes (Desiatinny) Monastery.
The claim against the State Registrar on the registration of three MAFs as real estate objects of the religious community of the Tithes temple was filed by the people's deputy Igor Lutsenko, reports RISU.
The third parties in the case are the religious community, the National Museum of History of Ukraine, in whose territory the monastery is located, and the Ministry of Culture, to which the museum is subordinate.
At the first session, the court merged the case on Lutsenko’s claim with the previously registered case, where the plaintiff is the Museum, and the defendant is also the State Registrar. The next meeting is scheduled for June 19, 2018.
Petitions for the demolition of the Tithes Monastery were written by the head of a pagan community.
On January 25, the radicals attacked the Tithes Monastery, and at night they tried to commit arson.
On February 3, three thousand believers of the UOC gathered for a prayer service in defense of the monastery from the radicals who threatened to destroy the temple. For 10 hours, the Orthodox protected the monastery.
On February 5, the Kiev Court of Appeal released the arsonists of the Tithes Monastery Alexander Gorban and Alexei Shemotiuk on bail of the people's deputies. Gorban and Shemotiuk announced the opening of a religious front in Ukraine.