A member of Zelensky’s team: Tomos is good

23 April 2019 21:29
Sviatoslav Yurash was the founder of the international press center of Euromaidan Sviatoslav Yurash was the founder of the international press center of Euromaidan

Sviatoslav Yurash, the son of the head of the Department for Religious Affairs and a part-time member of Zelensky’s team, said that he supported the Tomos of the OCU.

There have appeared the first statements of the representatives of the new President’s team on religious issues. Sviatoslav Yurash, the son of Andrei Yurash, the director of the Department of the Ministry of Culture for Religious Affairs, who is known for his hostility towards the UOC, said that "The Tomos is good" in the programme “HARD with Vlaschenko” on the ZIK channel. 

“I believe that the Tomos is a process that began with the Ukrainian revolution of 1917 and has gone to its result,” said young Yurash. “But in this regard, you should interview my father, who has actually got this Tomos.”

Also, a member of the new President’s team stated that “the Tomos is the result that has been sought for a century and finally occurred.” And therefore, according to Yurash, “the Tomos is good”.


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