“Hierarch” of OCU: Multiplicity of Khokhol Church is a bitter reality

28 July 2019 00:21
Adrian Kulyk together with Petro Poroshenko. Photo: Facebook Adrian Kulyk together with Petro Poroshenko. Photo: Facebook

The “bishop” of the new religious structure, Adrian Kulyk, believes that there is a Ukrainian Church in Ukraine and there is a Khokhol -Malorossiyan one.

Adrian Kulyk, the "hierarch" of the OCU, said that in Ukraine there is a Ukrainian Church, and there is an Ukie Church – Khokhol-Malorossiyan. And the large number of the latter is a "bitter reality." He said about it on his Facebook page.

“I’m asked why in one Golden-domed Kiev, Orthodox Christians gather and worship the very same shrines, but separately. Because in Ukraine there are two Orthodox churches: the Ukrainian (OCU – Ed.) and the Ukrainian Khokhol (a pejorative name for Ukrainian – Ed.), wrote Kulyk and said that he simply ‘calls things by their proper names’."

Also, the “hierarch” of the OCU considers that true Ukrainians in the country is a minority, and for them the multitude of believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, as well as those who “incorrectly” voted in the past elections, is a bitter reality:”

“The multiplicity of the Khokhol church as well as the previous elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine testify to the qualitative composition and health status of the population of Ukraine. Unfortunately, this is a bitter reality.”

“For us, Ukrainians, there is something to think about,” the “bishop” concluded with regret.

“Hierarch” of OCU: Multiplicity of Khokhol Church is a bitter reality фото 1

In comments to the publication, Kulyk was told that the rhetoric of this kind is a humiliation of human dignity. And if he changed the rhetoric, then, perhaps, there would be more parishioners in his structure. In response, the “hierarch” advised to read Taras Shevchenko.

Earlier, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry said that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is praying "for God's peace to reign in our country and hearts".

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