Podoliak allows himself to call UOC metropolitans FSB agents

04 December 2022 16:43
Mykhaylo Podoliak. Photo: screenshot of the youtube channel Mykhaylo Podoliak. Photo: screenshot of the youtube channel "We are Ukraine"

Podoliak said that the hierarchs of the UOC "hate you and me" and we need to "get rid of" them.

Adviser to the Head of the Office of the President Mykhailo Podoliak, in an interview with the “We are Ukraine” youtube channel, allowed himself to call the UOC bishops as the agents of the FSB, who “hate you and me”.

“Look at those subjects (hierarchs of the UOC – Ed.), who receive suspicions, who have the status of metropolitans and work in the rank of agents (FSB – Ed.), let’s call everything by their proper names, you don’t need to be afraid of this, this is a criminal offense. If you are agents and are in touch with curators from the FSB, then you are violating the Law of Ukraine. The question here is not about faith, but about control. Moscow controls Ukraine through the UOC. Do we need it? No. We have our own local church (OCU – Ed.)," Podoliak said.

According to him, the bishops of the UOC "terribly hate Ukraine", and therefore it is necessary to "get rid of" them.

“Not all believers and priests of the UOC are pro-Moscow. No. The church elite of the UOC is pro-Moscow, they received dividends, made a career during the Soviet times, and they terribly hate Ukraine. However, this is not the case with the believers, many of them take part in hostilities, defending Ukraine, priests, including serving as chaplains – they work and love Ukraine. We need to get rid of the elite, which has always hated us, they don’t need Ukraine, they need a territory where they can earn money, make a career, clinging wearing gilded items and brocade,” the official said.

Podoliak added that allegedly the UOC is not a Church, but a system of influence created by the Russian Federation in order to deprive Ukraine of religious independence.

As the UOJ reported earlier, Metropolitan Meletiy said that the SBU planted a questionnaire with a “Russian passport” on him.

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