Police patrols of cemeteries at Radonitsa to be increased

The main task of patrols at cemeteries on commemoration days is to raise awareness about the bans on visiting burial sites.
On after-Paschal commemoration days (Radonitsa – Ed.), the National Police of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine will increasingly patrol cemeteries to monitor compliance with quarantine requirements, reports the National Police website.
They recalled the decision of the State Commission for Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies to ban visits to cemeteries and individual burial sites on commemoration days, except in cases of burials.
The corresponding resolution "On counteracting the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on commemoration days" was signed on April 21, 2020, by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
The main task of law enforcement agencies these days is to raise awareness of the ban on visiting cemeteries and the need to comply with this requirement.
“These measures are aimed at preserving the health and life of people. The National Police urges citizens to keep to temporary restrictions and take the work of law enforcement officers with understanding,” the police addressed the population.
Earlier, because of quarantine UOC eparchies shifted commemoration days to the Afterfeast and Trinity commemoration Saturday.