Boyarka UOC community holds a liturgy at the gates of their seized temple

More than 130 parishioners came to the Sunday service at the gates of their seized church.
On May 7, 2023, at the gates of seized St. Michael's Church of the UOC, the community held a liturgy, at which more than 130 people prayed, the UOJ correspondent reports.
The service began at 8:30. During the Liturgy, the territory of the temple, seized the day before, was guarded from the parishioners by people in military uniform along the perimeter. On the same day, at 10:00, the “service” of the representatives of the OCU took place. The authorities managed to gather about 15 people for it.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that on May 6, people in military uniform with the help of a grinder, crowbar and tear gas seized the St. Michael's Church in Boyarka. The raider seizure was led by the "priest" Vasyl Lalo, as well as the mayor of Boyarka Oleksandr Zarubin.