Oksana Marchenko aids in building house for fire victims, UOC cleric family

In February of this year, the fire element left the family of a clergyman raising 12 children homeless. The famous TV presenter could not get past this misfortune.
Ukrainian TV presenter and journalist Oksana Marchenko built a new and spacious house for the large family of the cleric of the Zhytomyr Eparchy of the UOC, Archpriest Alexei Busko, who, due to the fires that raged in the Zhytomyr region in early 2020, was left without a roof over his head.
The TV presenter learned about the incident from a message received from complete strangers and responded to a request for help, according to the story "Birds of Heaven", published on Oksana Marchenko's YouTube channel on December 10.
“After the fire, the father, matushka and their 12 children were left without a roof over their heads. Having learned about such a misfortune, I decided to build a new house for them, where children and parents have separate rooms, where there is a kitchen, dining room, living room, and a game room. And most importantly, you can hear laughter and see the joy of the "birds of the sky" - the Buzko family, who received God's blessing and found happiness in response to their righteous life. Peace to this house! Share good and give the warmth of your soul – for the good! P.S. I am sure that you would have done the same because I know that there are a huge number of compassionate people among you,” Oksana Marchenko wrote in a commentary to the story.
As reported, the family of the rector of the UOC church in the village of Stavyshche, Zhytomyr region, in which 12 children are being raised, ended up on the street after the fire.