Dumenko complains about 'obstacles' on the path to unity put by UOC

Serhiy Dumenko assured that "tens of thousands of believers" have joined the OCU.
The head of the OCU Serhiy Dumenko on his Facebook page optimistically summarised the results of 2023, assuring that "hundreds of religious communities and tens of thousands of believers" joined his structure.
At the same time, he complained that in the way of these tens of thousands "opponents of church unity and adherents of religious Moscow dependence put various obstacles".
But all this, according to Serhiy Dumenko, "has no success because it is impossible to stop the work blessed by God".
He assured that his associates try "to have peace with everyone to the extent that is possible and depends on us". But at the same time, Dumenko refuses to "compromise the fundamental principles of Christianity and Orthodoxy".
As earlier reported, the raider attack on the Kazan Church of the UOC in Ladyzhyn failed.